Saturday, March 22, 2014

Will Putin start World War 3 by 2019?

Will Putin start World War 3 by 2019? Prophecies. Will Putin invade more former Soviet Union countries, after Georgia and Crimea in the Ukraine? Yes, another one soon I think. Bible prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. Putin is identified as the Antichrist of Book of Revelation chapter 13.


  1. Putin did NOT invade Crimea. However I do believe that the dumb Kenyan NIGGA in the white house along with his Military industrial complex NSA. CIA. will start this war and will on the point of their defeat resort to Thermo-nuclear weapons.

    1. Hate Jews, hate Blacks, .... what a wanker you are. Your head is just stuck up your ass. Next you will tell us that we White folks are superior, is that a 'master' race, that are given rule over the world.... Grow a brain, and then see if you can work out how to use it.

  2. foks thing are inverted europe call russia the soviet style 2014 crimea the land that soviets grab once again. all this is false the reality is upside down. in Fact the coming soviet union is probably america (police state ) and certainly europe, brussels and big brother 1984 orwellian realm is the same thing, one party government eu rulers and the rest .. if you read french and other european news, is a Orwellian rhetoric. so a machiavellian tactic is the way to freedom PUTIN is our allied the allies of freedom and liberty, and the freaks and crazy warmongers are the enemy is a fact this BS of bible does not help much, however is normal on a upside down world.

    1. Man ... fredo, you need to stop smoking all that bad crap. You are making no sense at all.

  3. I don't believe Putin will start WWlll. You'll need to look elsewhere.

  4. Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    due to the HOLY BIBLES manifold dates, the Bible facilitates the creation of a gapless chronology from the creation of Adam to the millennial Sabbath of Yahshua Messiah in the Biblical Calendar year 6001 BK (2017 CE).
    You can download GOD’s timetable free of charge e.g. from following website:

    » » » GOD’S 7000 YEAR AGENDA « « «

    Together, watching the “mysterious” signs of our days and studying the records in the Bible (e.g. Matt 24), will give insight that 2017 CE will be a year out of the ordinary!

    In 2017 CE, 6000 years will have passed since the creation of Adam, and the last 1000 years of the “7000 year Agenda of GOD” will be ushered in.

    For information regarding “GOD’S 7000 YEAR AGENDA” please go to e.g.:

    Executive Summary:

    The 7000 Year Plan of YHVH is not a new age concept.
    You come across this teaching, which is derived from the Bible, already in the Books of Irenaeus (Bishop of the early Church, 130 CE – 202 CE.

    GOD – who controls all things – reveals in the Scriptures that at ‘the time appointed,’ the “End Time World Order” will be destroyed and
    Jesus Christ (Heb.: Yahshua Messiah) will take over and establish His Millennial Kingdom.

    Revelation 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our GOD, and of his Messiah; and he shall reign forever and ever.

    But when will this happen? Are there any clues in the Holy Bible, which might lead to the year and maybe even to the season of His return (1.Thess 5:1, 4)? The answer is YES!

    To be able to uncover GOD’S “hidden” message, we have to start recognizing that the Bible contains accurate data. The Holy Bible is not a fairy-tale book, as some in the world try to make us believe!

    As a matter of fact, when you bring together the evidence contained in the “Old” Testament and the “New” Testament, you are able to count the years from the creation of Adam (3983 BCEi) to the Millennium of Jesus Christ (2017 CEii).

    For information regarding ‘THE LAST DAYS’: please go to e.g.

    May EL SHADDAI YAHWEH, Elohim of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust, so that you may abound with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Heb.: Ruach ha Kodesh). (Rom 15:13)
