Sunday, March 23, 2014

Will Putin and Russia cause Armageddon by 2019? Prophecies

Will Putin and Russia cause Armageddon by 2019? Will Putin start World War 3 by 2019? Prophecies. Will Putin invade more former Soviet Union countries, after Georgia and Crimea in the Ukraine? Yes, another one soon I think. Bible prophecies of Revelation. Putin is identified as the Antichrist of Book of Revelation chapter 13.

Which country will Russia and Putin invade next? Will Russia invade another country? The prophecy of the 3 horns in the Book of Daniel - Georgia, Ukraine and Crimea, and one more to come. A major war could result. Vladimir Putin President of Russia could be the Antichrist in the Bible Book of Revelation chapter 13, whose number is 666. Likely that Putin will next invade and take over another former Soviet Union country. Astrology chart for August 1999 indicates Putin is the Antichrist since he first rose to power then in Russia.
The invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2014, and Bible prophecies on the Antichrist in the Book of Revelation and Daniel.Violent protests in Ukraine in 2014, and Daniel Prophecy 7:8 of the Antichrist.Who is the Antichrist? Identified as Russian President Putin.
And Russian takeover invasion of Crimea and parts of Ukraine, Russian military exercise near Ukraine. After a vote in Crimea Russia occupied and incorporated it into Russia.
(Recorded March 23 2014)
Relates to the rise of the Antichrist Putin in Russia. The Antichrist (666) is identified as Vladimir Putin in Russia. Astrology charts and Bible Prophecy of the Book of Revelation on the Antichrist 666. Putin I think wants to recapture the former Soviet Union states in a Stalinist dictatorship with him in charge with total control, and Putin wants to be worshiped as a deity. .
Putin is the Antichrist for many reasons explained on my web site. For example, Putin first rose to power as Russian Prime Minister in August 1999, when there was an unusual astrology alignment of planets in a cross shape, and a solar eclipse over Europe, indicative of the rise of the Antichrist. And Putin became Russian President as the new millenium began on Jan. 1 2000. And Putin was reelected and began his term as Russian President near May 5 2000 when there was an unusual alignment of planets.

See this page for details on why I think Putin is the Antichrist 666 of the Bible's Book of Revelation chapter 13:


  1. Putin won't but that dumb Nigga in the white house very well might

  2. This whole piece has been written by someone lazy person who is paid with free internet time just to write against Mr.Putin.
