Monday, March 10, 2014

Who Rules The World ? -- Karen Hudes

World Bank Whistelblower Karen Hudes joins Visionvictory for an exclusive in studio interview and exposes the puppet masters pulling the strings of the criminal global banking syndicate.

We suggest you buckle up for this one... We have solved the mystery as to why humanity has had nothing but wars and terrible problems... why we're always at each other's throats....This group is part of a huge conspiracy...
There exist a race of human like beings called Homo Capensis and with the help of the Jesuits [replaces the Templar Knights in 1138 AD] have been conspiring against mankind as long as man has walked the earth. I know this sounds nuts even though I have been following Karen Hudes for the past three years and have researched her extensively, but try to keep an open mind and do check out the documentation and your resources before you pass judgement. Share this guys we have hundreds of years of programing that must be broken.


  1. I was with her for a while, but then she speaks about a nuclear device on the 8th Oct 2013 that was to be exploded in Charlestown, and then all that gold buried in the Philippines, and lastly she speaks about large headed Conehead hominids / Homo Capensis, as a separate race who rule the world and can't breed with humans.

    Now honestly, let's ask for more evidence. Sure, the other stuff on finance, politics, Jesuits and etc might be mostly corrrect. Money, men and power always brings corruption.

    But the other stuff - come on. Coneheads ruling the world....what, hiding their coneheads in their mitres. The mitre is more a fish head than a cone head, and has an ancient pagan history.

    I have a larger head than most, but not all. Maybe I am one of them.... or maybe a hybrid.

    Moses was not Akhenaten - he's 200 years earlier.

    It's a shame that she goes from certainty in finance and corruption to speculation about coneheads. Unfortunately, it places a question mark over everything else. Next we'll hear that they are lizard transformers ... Oh, someone believes that too.....

    1. Just because she's a disinformant it doesn't mean that there is no truth in her message. They love to spin truth with utter garbage in order to confuse everyone. David icke is an expert at this.

    2. The Smithsonian Institute has for years, purposefully lost innumerable anomalous skeletal remains of which some are the elongated skulls declared to be by main stream archeologists to be intentionally deformed. But wait a moment. It is probably quite a simple thing, with the help of a little string and wooden slats, to forever change the shape of a babies skull, but how is it possible for simple "savages" to also change the volume of that skull. The anomalous skulls in Paracas are absolutely massive.

    3. The Smithsonian Institute has for years, purposefully lost innumerable anomalous skeletal remains of which some are the elongated skulls declared by main stream archeologists to be intentionally deformed. But wait a moment. It is probably quite a simple thing, with the help of a little string and wooden slats, to forever change the shape of a babies skull, but how is it possible for simple "savages" to also change the volume of that skull. The anomalous skulls in Paracas are absolutely massive.

    4. Karen has made a correction since. It wasn't Moses that was Akhenaten, but the biblical character "Abraham" that was based upon the real Akhenaten. The plot thickens... It's going to be absolutely unbelievable !

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