Saturday, March 1, 2014

What Is Real Money? -- David Mcalvany

What Is Real Money? -- David Mcalvany

David McAlvany is President and CEO of the McAlvany Financial Companies – International Collectors Associates, ICA Europe, and McAlvany Wealth Management – and is director of the Swiss Corporation, Global Gold. He is a featured speaker on international television and radio programs and at financial seminars around the world, analyzing major events and their impact on the global economy and financial markets. He can be heard weekly on his market commentary with world leaders, bankers, economists, and renowned investors at .
David McAlvany is a graduate of Biola University and an associate member of Keble College, Oxford University, where he studied philosophy and political theory. He later volunteered as an analyst in Chile with The Institute for Liberty and Development – an organization dedicated to providing free market solutions throughout Latin America and the Third World. He went on to achieve honors as a top salesman with Southwestern Company, and gained extensive  business expertise with Morgan Stanley, including with work with start-ups and business financing.
He has traveled extensively throughout Africa, Asia, South America, the Middle East, and Europe. His international research has given him a global perspective on financial, economic, political, geopolitical, cultural, and intelligence developments around the world.  This perspective helps him avoid focusing too narrowly in his analysis of investment and risk in any give asset category.
David is a past board member of international firm The Warren Electric Group in Houston, Texas. He also assisted in fund raising with Hugh O’Brien’s HOBY National Youth Leadership program and is presently on the investment advisory board for the Ft. Lewis College Foundation where he shares responsibility for all endowment assets.
As an avid reader on many subjects including finance, economics, and philosophy, David facilitates a business related monthly book discussion with the McAlvany Financial Group. His interests are varied, but he has a keen passion for cycling and mountaineering. He spends his free time with his wife, and their children skiing, hiking, and enjoying the mountains of Colorado.

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