Friday, March 14, 2014

Wayne Root -- White Voters Abandon Obama In Droves

White Voters Abandon Obama In Droves: ROOT For America . Prognosticator Wayne Allyn Root is betting that outside of lifelong Democrats and welfare recipients, President Barack Obama's ratings are in the unimaginable range of single digits. Root says that means Obama has lost the support of the white middle class, without whom he could not have been elected.


  1. Let me start by saying I hate Obama. I did everything that was asked of me have to impeach him. I've lived long enough to see enough presidents, who weren't "great" men, but were honest and loved their country. I remember a Congress who had no problem enforcing laws. i.e. Nixon and Clinton. Now all I see is a president and a bunch of men who are traitors to their country. And I shake my head and ask, how can this be? Why can't Obama be stopped by anyone? I guess the short answer is no one cares what he does, except the true Patriots and the Conservative Americans. And even that can't stop him. All I do know is that every day he remains in office is another day for him to continue to destroy our country. My emotions are all over the place. Disbelief, loss of hope, confusion, worry, and down right angry. I hate living in this country now. I hate the government. I hate seeing Obama's agenda winning out, so much, It makes me want to cry for the America I once remembered and loved. Is anyone going to save us? And does anyone care enough to go out on a limb to stop Obama? Just ask yourself, why are we allowing a criminal to be president? Seriously, why are we?
