Monday, March 24, 2014

WARNING -- Russia Returns Favor, Sees Chinese Yuan As World Reserve Currency!

 Wait till China annexes half of Russia in 30-50 years. Through a referendum of course. Chinese in typical Asian political pattern try to appear "pleasing" both masters when in fact they are the only ones benefiting from this mess. The way the Russian far east will be invaded is by the same method Russia used to invade smaller countries. By getting their own population in.
Meanwhile, the EU Brussels Bandits and Wall Street Warlocks scramble to subjugate more serfs.
What is this "democracy" I keep hearing about; the freedom to be bled by parasitic bankers and their politician lackeys?

 The USD is dead, and has been so since 1971 (at the latest). The Russians currently have a surplus (as do the Chinese), and between manufacturing, gold holdings (REAL, PHYSICAL; versus 'we have it but won't show it to you'), the combined abilities to field a one-hundred-million man army; AND all the tech weapons, they are no doubt seeing that they have the power and ability to crush this weak, self-involved, vain, gluttonous nation known formerly as 'the United States'. Any discussion about 'good news for the dollar' is simply theoretical at this point in time. There IS NO GOOD NEWS seen; nor will there be any. EVER. AGAIN.
Managing Director and Chief Economist of investment company Sberbank Yevgeny Gavrilenkov said at the 15th governmental Chinese economic development forum in the Chinese capital on Sunday (via ITAR-TASS):
"China’s yuan (renminbi) may become a third reserve currency in the world in the future"
"This forecast can be made on figures of domestic economic growth. Probably the country will keep high GDP growth rate and the GDP volume will increase to around 14-16 trillion U.S. dollars for a brief period of time, the indicators comparable to the European Union and the United States.
Meanwhile, Chinese securities are more attractive for the countries that have a surplus in economy, particularly the Middle East states; and China will obviously follow the path of securing the country’s assets,"

1 comment:

  1. Russia and China will be allies and Russia spans 11 times zones. Lots of resources there and plenty of room to build thousands of greenhouses and grow good food (NON GMO).
