Sunday, March 23, 2014

Warning Prophecy for U S and Canada

Warning to America and Canada darkness has already began to fall upon both nations in the spirit causing blindness so you cannot see the wickedness that is in your streets, with in your walls and in you. Communism has slowly crept up on you and you were asleep unaware of its evilness as it crept about in your laws and in your walls taking over your lands. You both have rejected me and spit on my word and say you have no need for me. America you are a stench in my noise says the Lord. Your leaders are in bed with Russia.
I have warned you my people earthquakes are on their way and storms that will outnumber anything ever seen on the face of the earth before. Disease will fall up on all great and small, rich and poor, death will be far and wide. Seek me now fall on your face and know me.

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