Saturday, March 15, 2014

WARNING -- Dick Cheney Warns of EMP Attack on U.S. and End of Civilization!

This proves EMP has to be by a missile delivery system....(or solar flare). An aircraft cannot attain the required height of 30 to 100 miles, excepting a localized detonation of a given target...say 1-6 miles directly above it. The other plausible , yet diabolical idea of stealing a commercial aircraft loading it with fuel and explosives, and remarking it would be to get it airborne quietly , then insert it into the existing flight plan of a real scheduled flight!?....heading unsuspectingly into a prized distiNation.....?
Well now we know what Cheney is planning to do with that missing airplane!

things are addin up, and fast!! not so long ago, the nuclear radar was the plane this warning....along with the many other small signs along the way, the writing is on the like Dahboo mentioned not too long ago, snipers attacked one power plant....I watched a video last night, and it showed there are ONLY 9 spots to take out, and the whole system comes crashing down, my Lord....

1 comment:

  1. what do expect with this washington policy of extortion, corruption theft, washington is the curse of the planet earth. probably the planet hates americans.. why, because washington has done its best so the planet has only one thing in mind destroy the evil empire the usa of america; however this is not fair to americans they are victims, but the victims lay down and sleep so if they get wipe out by a volcano or what ever is their own fault for supporting evil governments, and following brainwash main media.
