Saturday, March 1, 2014

War in Crimea -- Will The Ukrainian Coup d'etat Spark WWIII ?

French economy is declining and consumer spending is plummeting, car sales are imploding in France. Italy's jobless rate hits a new record high. In the U.S. more retail stores are closing. DHS license plate readers are already implemented and the DHS and other local enforcement agencies have access to it. Russia has moved troops into Crimea and are now positioning themselves for war. Libya's puppet government is now falling and the U.S. is losing control in this region. The U.S. is monitoring and worried about Iran's oil sales because they do not have control over the central bank yet. It as been reported that al-Qaeda threat is now much broader that originally thought.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. the problem is america does not have a president it is AIPAC, the president, AIPAC is the one that rules america AIPAC is the 'roman empire" so impeaching Obama is just a joke as Obama is not the president of america it is AIPAC. how will americans fix this issue, only way out impeach AIPAC. well folks liberate america, out of this lobby's if you can??
