Thursday, March 6, 2014

Ukrainian Won't Surrender -- The Bill Still Report

The Ukrainian military is openly defying the invading Russian army and navy.

If they want to be part of Russia then let them be part of Russia. Who are we to tell them no! We don't live in Crimea, we don't know what's best for them and it's no ones place to tell another man that they can not have what they want. Most these people are Russian and want to be part of Russia. As a man if You want something in life you have to take it, fight for it or die trying, don't let others tell you no you can't have it. Be free!

1 comment:

  1. The Goyim GuardsmanMarch 6, 2014 at 8:48 PM

    bull shit bill still, The Russian flag is appearing all over the Ukraine! even in the coup de ta west. The usurper government is broke ! no new money available for months. Gas and Oil cut off workers not going to their jobs. Neo-Nazis running wild threatening Jews especially Russian Jews. Russia has all the aces the US is buffing with deuces.
