Saturday, March 15, 2014

Ukraine WW3 ALERT! -- Crisis Escalates. 80,000 Troops on Border

 Russia will face major sanctions if they do not back down. Germany is now publicly siding with Obama and Kerry on these sanctions should Russia not unwind their militarization of Ukraine.

This could spell disaster as this situation continues to escalate with reports of 80,000 plus Russian troops at the border.

Russia Said to Ready for Iran-Style Sanctions in Worst Case
Iran-style retaliation from the West, which would include freezing Russia's foreign reserves, banking assets and halting lending to companies,
Soros: Ukraine Crisis a 'Wake-Up Call' for Europe
"If Russia continues on the course of the last weeks it won't just be a catastrophe for Ukraine," Merkel told lawmakers in Berlin. "It would also cause massive economic and political harm to Russia."

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