Monday, March 24, 2014

Ukraine: Where the dollar goes to die – Urgent Monday Hagmann & Hagmann Report with financial insider “V” & Steve Quayle

Ukraine: Where The Dollar Goes to die -- Urgent Monday Hagmann & Hagmann Report with financial insider "V" & Steve Quayle
24 March 2014: It’s more than money. It’s about a real world game of Risk where the stakes are entire nations and their people. Steve Quayle was one of the first “modern day” watchmen to warn people about world events forming a new economic and world order. People laughed and scoffed. Over a year ago, “V” The Guerrilla Economist appeared on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report and outlined the events that would lead to the killing of the U.S. dollar – the Petrodollar, and the role that Russia would play. Many called him an alarmist. Today, only the architects of the new economic (dis)order and those with a terminal case of normalcy bias are refuting his economic insights, for his previous warnings are indeed coming to pass.   Link:

1 comment:

  1. The main problem here is Washington, nobody expects a 200 years nation to be wise, however the real problem is the $, (as a reserve currency) not the domestic dollar..Americans in fact are quite uneducated and unsophisticated, so it is easy for the media to brainwash them, Americans exist to die for wars that are useless pay taxes to Israel, eat hot dogs, and die, like a hot dog.. they are just dogs if you like, dogs because of themselves, not because of nature, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, this are wars made for the $ (the currency use as reserve currency) investors use the $ as a reserve currency to get rich, banks do the same, financiers do the same; the American dogs use the domestic $, which is not the same, so the Americans dogs die for the $ reserve currency, not the us $, the green bag, if you like. reason why to save America liberate the American dogs " "you folks" and liberate the rest of the planet from this plague call wall street, main media brainwash the $ as a reserve currency must die, ended as the petrodollars must die end kaput!!!, this will collapse investors, olygargs, looters, aristocratic education, in short is the only way out from the American spiritual intellectual iron curtain which imprison them. the same fact exist in Europe only they are lambs, rather than dogs like you Americans. "Hope you understand reality for once, remember LINCOLN and the green bag, well you are there now.
