Sunday, March 9, 2014

Ukraine IMF False Flag

Putin was KGB who rose to power in the collapse of the Soviet Union. He outplayed the Rothschild oligarchs and purged them from Russia. He brought Russia back to a world power status and has united the likes of China, India, Brazil and many other nations against US hegemony. What has Obama done? A community organizer, who won a Senate seat after a well timed sex scandal of incumbent Jack Ryan and two years later runs and wins on Hope and Change. Kiss the dollar good-bye and the life that is dependent upon it.

An interesting thing about Putin is he was supposed to be the fall guy, when he took over after Yeltsin the country was on the verge of breaking up and crumbling on every level, he actually pulled out a miracle in a lot of ways and instead of taking the fall turned it around and became a president for life kind of a figure. He is not to be messed with, this man knows how to play the game and he knows when to stop playing and get serious, apparently this is not obvious to some politicians though because they keep playing when he gets serious.


  1. The Goyim GuardsmanMarch 9, 2014 at 1:58 PM

    Fuck the Jewess Nuland Fuck the Kenyan NIgga Obama Fuck the US and most of all fuck the Dollar!

  2. Ditto that mate!!
