Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tim Rifat explains whats going on in Ukraine

Lurching Toward War by Tim Rifat : Tim Rifat explaining whats going on in Ukraine on the Jeff

WWIII, if so, we are going according to the dark plan Albert Pike layed out in morals and dogmas of the scottish rite freemasonry. If not, it's a distraction from the fact that two world powers are making back alley deals to violate a sovereign nation, and pillage whatever wealth, and natural resources are available for exploitation. Bad, or worse. The war drums are pounding again, on every network. Wish I could feel confident in any source of information pertaining to this, but we can't. We can't even be confident in any source of information pertaining to U.S news. Unless you or those close to you are or were there.....I have to wonder if the fake juden residing in isra-el are going according to their plan of having the goyim powers destroying each other economically, and through war, I mean, they openly say these things. It was chilling to see how they view us. I feel bad for the real juden. They get thrown into the contempt with the askenazi juden. We must resolve to resist this war on every level. Too much suffering already.

1 comment:

  1. yes tim. northern europe belongs to russia sother europe belongs to usa, however the master as a say. he decides on the long run, who will remain and who will survive, and he is not in israel, his name is just a name.
