Friday, March 21, 2014

The NSA Knows more about you than you Know

The NSA Knows more about you than you Know

There goes the LIE that the NSA does not do bulk collection of the CONTENT of our phone calls without a specific individual warrant! If you want to see into the depths of the NSA's criminality beyond what has so far been revealed by Snowden's documents- look up NSA whistle blower Russel Tice. He was one of the main sources for revealing Bush's warrantless wiretapping and has real credibility. In interviews last Summer he has revealed that the NSA spies on our press, courts, lawyers and law firms, Hollywood, our military's leadership, Congress, the Supreme Court- even Obama when he was running for the Senate in 2004. Watch his latest interviews on PBS, RT, Democracy Now, and Sibel Edmonds "Boiling Frogs" whistle blower website- judge the man's own words for yourself. Then look up William Binney, Thomas Drake, Mark Kline, and Sibel Edmonds herself- you'll have your eyes wide opened then. Sibel's "Boiling Frogs" website is a great place for hearing from Government whistle blowers themselves, she has an organization dedicated to helping them get their message out and survive the Government attacks on them.
The NSA is a criminal organization who's chief purposes are political blackmail, industrial espionage/financial fraud, and to obstruct justice. Their "national security" role is PR for the consumption their compartmentalized employees and the general public. The NSA is J. Edgar Hoover resurrected minus any morals, restraint, or a soul. They have corrupted our entire political and economic system.

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