Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Dying Dollar! China Currency Liberalization to Be a 'Seismic Event'!

Get Rid of the Federal Reserve in North America. It’s influence and self serving agenda is that of and comes from a Demonic Destructive nature. Three quarters of the debt owed is interest payments. The Federal Reserve is neither Federal nor does it have any reserve to back up the money that it prints on a whim out of thin air on a 20 to 1 ratio meaning they can lend out the money one time and just create more money out of thin air 20 more times and charge interest on it. President Lincoln avoided them. They financed the South and talked them into starting The American Civil War. The first time they came on the scene they were dismantled after their 20 years license was up. The US public at the time could not and would not tolerate such abuse of process and control over their country and economy. They appeared a second time. President Andrew Jackson was re elected so he could make good on his promise to abolish and ban The Federal Reserve. He kept his promise. President Wilson granted reinstatement mistakenly and regretfully so in 1913 along with invoking the Income Tax Act being the only way the interest on debt could be paid created by The Federal Reserve to begin with. President Kennedy was going to get rid of the Fed Res. He printed his own money backed by silver. It looked the same with a red seal added. This money was put into circulation for a short time. After his assassination it was immediately taken out of circulation. "If the American people ever allow Private Banks to control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation, the Banks and Corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." … President Thomas Jefferson How much more will it take before you get rid of the Fed Res Plague in The US and Canada.

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