Saturday, March 8, 2014

SHTF Top 5 Signs of ECONOMIC COLLAPSE - WARNING pay attention/they are happening now

This zombie economy has been dead for quite some time now and is only afloat because of continuous "stimulus". The commodities market is nothing more than a shell game, it's all paper. Gold and silver prices are heavily manipulated. Once the real CPI is out (when China refuses to buy bonds and sell us cheap disposable junk), the masses will see just how little those Benjamins are worth. Wall street indices will be absolutely meaningless when you've got nothing to eat. The newest bill design will come in a roll of 1000 with a two ply absorbent texture. Thank you, come again

1 comment:

  1. If gold was to go to 1,000000000 and OZ if should be moving up by now..look for 400 will be closer to the mark.
