Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sandy Hoax, Dead Bankers And The Ukraine Putsch - 3/07/2014


Now that Mercury is finally direct, we're back on the airwaves in a big way. In hour number one, full metal alchemist, Jay Weidner is back and ready to blow some minds. We'll be pulling back the curtain on Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon. Jay will also be sharing startling info about the recent spate of banker's deaths.

In the second hour, Les Visible jumps in and breaks down the Russia game from the inside out, looking at how the neocons have made yet another "regime change." As always, the cosmic perspective seeps through with a little whisper from Mr. Apocalypse.

Lastly, Robert Bonomo, our man in Moscow gives us the pulse and feel of the city and how people are responding to the turmoil in Ukraine and Crimea.

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