Monday, March 17, 2014

"Russia Is A Gas Station Masquerading As A Country!" Senator John McCain

what is he talking about Russia is a "Kleptacrcy" WHAT? is McCain insane-all he has to do is look at Wall Street if he wants to see a Kleptacry. The Thieves that McCain works for are on Wall Street, not Moscow. I wonder sometimes how much blood must be on the hands of McCain and Co. for pushing war constantly. What happened to Al Qaeda? Last I read about Syria, the US was giving aid to the rebels which consisted of AQ members. More money to the military industrial complex. least in McCain's point of view. 


  1. America is a burger joint manged by Tel-Aviv !

    1. Goyim = the nations, particularly the non Jewish ones, the gentiles. When used in reverse, it points to a member of another claimed 'master race'. Its amazing how conspiracy runs deeply in the psyche of the ignorant, who so often consider themselves the enlightened.

      Scapegoating the sinister Jewish money lender is older than Shakespeare's Shylock. Pathetic, and ignorant.

      Yes, America is just one big fast food outlet, that it gorges itself on the way to Hollywood's entertainment. Yes, that's right, the Jew's made you eat all that crap, and watch all that asinine rubbish. It not your fault, the Jewish Devils made me do it.

  2. Although sounding intelligent, the hypocrisy of these American spokesmen is staggering. Over the past 20 years, the US has put troops into many foreign countries.
    The outcome has been numerous innocent bystanders killed, whether directly or indirectly.

    It's therefore difficult to hear concern from these leaders about the freedom and liberties of the Crimean people, without being cynical. As far as I know, there has been no blood spilled, and the vote was higher than McCain's best guess of 80%. It was 96%... in favour of Russia.

    Perhaps the people of this area have spoken, and the West does not like what they have decided.
