Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Rothschild CONSPIRACY Uncovered on Malaysia Flight 370!

The Rothschild are big winners out of the Malaysia Flight 370 tragedy. In a series of events, they seem to have won big in their attempt to maintain their vast fortune.

- 20 Freescale employees were on board.
- Freescale is owned by Blackstone.
- Blackstone is controlled by the Rothschild's.

This seems like typical Hegelian Dialectic (Problem-Reaction-Solution).

Malaysia Airlines Plane MH370 Latest Conspiracy Theory: Who were Freescale Semiconductor Experts on Board?
Freescale Semiconductor has confirmed that 20 of its employees were confirmed passengers on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370
Freescale Semiconductor Bought Out by Blackstone for $17.6 Billion
Randall Rothschild is a Managing Director of Blackstone and the Chief Operating Officer of Blackstone Real Estate Debt Strategies.


  1. Causation is very difficult to establish, particularly without anything but alleged circumstantial evidence.

    But imagine how evil and uncaring the accusation would be if this wild speculation is incorrect.

  2. the IMF_ fmi, world bank run the nation via goldman sachs; Obama a prisoner of the $ as reserve currency, it is the $ as reserve currency that the FED the IMF, the bankers and financiers that has keep americans enslave, and the rest of the world and the planet it is this $ as reserve currency that is the Empire not you folks neither the us navy or airforce. they tried during lincoln's time "green bag" them they killed him, 1913 they created the means =ww1 & ww2 gave them the price and since that time america became officially a slave nation, and the new world order was put in place there is no new world order you are now on that new world order banks run your life and the $ as reserve currency is how they get rich. the domestic dollar the one you use to buy goods is not the same as the $ reserve currency "petrodollars". the fed prints domestic $ give them to banks that become $ of reserve currency, and them bankers gamble with it, you folks pay taxes on domestic $. hope you folks grasp the issue, inquire learn . PUTIN if all goes well is the only weapon to liberate america, OBAMA is helpless he is a prisoner of banksters AIPAC, which is a branch of the $ as reserve currency rulers. wake up, you are now on a upside-down america.

  3. You have sated things that I assume are fact....but that is all you did. I don't see how the Rothchild's stand to benefit. They are in charge of the company these folks worked for but why does that mean that they benefit? Is it because 20 employees are missing? Whoever wrote this I think you are a Kook.
