Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Pepe Escobar -- Ukraine , What is the big picture today?

Meanwhile all the gold is stolen and being used to keep US/UK/Canada/France economies from dying

What is the big picture in Ukraine today? Should it be interpreted legally or politically? What is China's attitude to the conflict in Ukraine? And, has Washington blinked?
The fighting between American Academi (formerly Blackwater) mercenaries and Russian special forces in the Ukraine and the downing of a Malaysian airline last week are but a background to ongoing high stakes negotiations about the future of this planet. These violent incidents are also a backlash against a snowballing purge of Nazi/Zionist zealots that has now extended to Saudi Arabia and other gulf oil kingdoms after they banned the Nazi Muslim Brotherhood. Since they have already been purged from Egypt this means their last base in the Middle East, and last source of oil money, is Qatar, home to the Al Jazeera propaganda network.

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