Monday, March 10, 2014

Nostradamus Prophecy 2014 -- London, America, Russian President Putin

Nostradamus Prophecy 10 66 on London, America, Russian President Putin

Nostradamus Prophecy 10 66 on London, America, Russian President Putin. Who is the Antichrist? Identified as Russian President Putin. This prophetic quatrain Century 10 Number 66 mentions London, Scotland, l'Americh (America), and Roi Reb (King Reb, which I think is King Bear, or King of Russia, Russian President Putin), since it says he is the Antichrist.
(Recorded March 9 2014)
Relates to the rise of the Antichrist Putin in Russia. The Antichrist (666) is identified as Vladimir Putin in Russia. Astrology charts and Bible Prophecy of the Book of Revelation on the Antichrist 666. Putin I think wants to recapture the former Soviet Union states in a Stalinist dictatorship with him in charge with total control, and Putin wants to be worshiped as a deity.
Putin is the Antichrist for many reasons explained on my web site. For example, Putin first rose to power as Russian Prime Minister in August 1999, when there was an unusual astrology alignment of planets in a cross shape, and a solar eclipse over Europe, indicative of the rise of the Antichrist. And Putin became Russian President as the new millenium began on Jan. 1 2000. And Putin was reelected and began his term as Russian President near May 5 2000 when there was an unusual alignment of planets.


  1. To understand who the antichrist will be you need to understand what the word anti taken from the greek word anti as the new testament manuerscripts were written in greek means.look the word anti in a Strongs Concordance of the Bible Greek word #473 doesnt mean against it means instead of. AntiChrist ispoken of in the book of Revelations will be satan himself when hes cast out of Heaven to this earth Rev. 12:6-9 claiming hes Jesus.Most will be decieved by satan for they have never been taught satan returns at the 6th seal, trump n vial 666 our Real Lord Jesus retuns at the 7th Trumpto Wed His Virgin Bride. Thats those that haven't worshipped satan not hard to understand when you study that Letter God the Father has Written to us chapter by chapter verse by verse as taught by Pastor Murray @ShepherdsChapel.

  2. this bs continues, as expected, anyhow better than killing yourself, as bs will be dismantle,but having americans die for AIPAC, BHL the french philosopher is even worse. so this bible reading is all wrong. gog and magog dream interpreted is simple a men that has foots of argile means a men that has grown taller than what he is, in other words he believe to be more than what he is, this is what the daniels dream is all about this byble nuts do not even understand what they say themselves interpret text to their own liking and moreover illogically irationaly. so heard the man but think for yourself.
