Friday, March 28, 2014

Nigel Farage : "I'm sick to death of this country getting involved in foreign wars"

Nigel Farage responds to Cleggs attack on his comments about Ukraine by exposing the Lib Dems links to EU militarism.
EU expansionism. EU flamed Ukraine instability. Russia has protected Russians. EU is an engine for instability rather than the claimed stability.
I assume the play from the CIA is to let the security situation fall apart such that Putin rolls across the border to protect his Russian brothers and that gives the neocons theor golden shot at war with russia...

Nigel Paul Farage is a British politician and leader of the UK Independence Party since 2010, a position he also held from September 2006 to November 2009. Nigel Farage intensified his attack on the EU's "vanity" foreign policy on Thursday as he accused Brussels of poking the "Russian bear with a stick" over Ukraine and of deepening the Syrian civil war by giving false hope to forces hoping to topple the Assad regime. Amid widespread criticism of the Ukip leader's claim in his TV debate with Nick Clegg that the EU had "blood on its hands" after the violence in Kiev, Farage said the EU had destabilised a series of countries.

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