Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Max Igan speaking at the Truthology Freedom Summit, Brisbane, March 9th, 2014

Max Igan - Deprogramming the Collective - The Rediscovery of the Self


It is important to process your experiences and create a new personal mythology for yourself and the superconsciousness that is emerging in our individual and collective consciousness for freedom. The basis for this is part of the I AM SELF WORTH Program which incorporates biology, psychology, cosmology, mythology, and Jungian psychology in particular and which will be available shortly. It behooves each of us to find our passion and fulfill our dreams as a child and now. The process includes deprogramming your mind, clear blocked negative emotions, be a radical soul for through and get up and stand up for your rights for self-liberation. Know that you are good enough for today; be kind and self-respectful to yourself and to others. The new emerging archetype is that of the balanced man and woman, indigenous, the truth-seeker, the warrior not worrier. Learn some techniques to create a new life and new cultural paradigm.

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