Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Malaysia Flight 370 Did NOT Crash!

Since day 1 of the Malaysia Flight 370, the whole story didn't seem right. They have yet to find this airplane and many steps along the way have began to stink of a cover-up.

1. The debris hasn't been found.
2. The plane continued to broadcast.
3. There is no evidence of a crash.

 Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 now clearly a government cover-up: All evidence contradicts official story
#1) If the plane went down in the ocean, it would have broken up on impact and debris would be easily spotted
#2) The plane continued broadcasting data to Boeing for 4 - 7 hours
#3) There is ZERO evidence the flight crashed into the Indian Ocean


  1. what you folks are witnessing is the collapse of the occident, western civilisation, however from 1776-1789, just the past 224 years from the french revolution, industrial revolution rothschild empire, green bag up to now. this collapse is done like a cancer from the inside-out, the disintegration goes gradually until it reaches the top and is over. you do not feel it it just becomes more and more confuse until a point where reason collapse incoherence, unreasonable behaviour,ilogic actions loss of sense of reality confusion, until a critical point and all comes down total chaos if you like, after things will simmer down A new rule, pops out and reconstruction with a new vision a new realm emerges. the time is no longer than a decade to be all completed..2014 2015 critical years and the beginning of chaos. end of israel as you know it as well all financial system collapses. chaos disorder and ups and downs readjustments as the disorder continues. by 2030 it could be over, and new realms emerge.

  2. Jacob Rothschild Behind Malaysia Missing Flight #MH370 He becomes the sole owner of an important patent. Coincidence?

  3. With the disappearance of those on Malaysian Airlines MH370 billionaire Jacob Rothschild becomes the sole owner of an important semiconductor patent.
    The mysteries surrounding Malaysian Airliner MH-370 continue to grow with each passing day and Mr. Rothschild is smack dab in the middle.

    Illuminati member, Rothschild, is believed to have exploited the airliner to gain full Patent Rights of an incredible KL-03 micro-chip. The US technological company, Freescale Semiconductor, who shared its rights with Rothschild, had twenty senior members on board who had just launched a new electronic warfare gadget for military radar system’s the day before the plane went missing..►
