Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lindsey Williams -- Dr. Stan Monteith : Dr. Dean Murphy: The Devil's Poison

Dr. Dean Murphy: The Devil's Poison - Dr. Stan Monteith (Radio Liberty)

For over a decade, prior to his retirement, Dr. Monteith led a delegation of physicians from Santa Cruz County to the House of Delegates of the California Me.

Dr. Stan interviews Dr. Dean Murphy about the dangers of Fluoride in you city tap water.

For over a decade, prior to his retirement, Dr. Monteith led a delegation of physicians from Santa Cruz County to the House of Delegates of the California
As the new year rings in, many Blue Pill Takers are probably thinking that the worst is behind them and that this new year will be better then the last one. . Lindsey Williams on End Time Talk Radio speaking with Barry Meyer on 22nd October 2013 talking about signs that will come before the collapse of the American. Lindsey Williams on End Time Talk Radio speaking with Barry Meyer on 22nd October 2013 talking about signs that will come before the collapse of the American. Alex talks with Lindsey Williams, the ordained Baptist minister who went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary where he learned about the secret agenda of the el. The Energy Non Crisis as tool for Global Economic Manipulation. Please sign the Declaration of Endependence at . What will we do when gas is too expensive? Six dollar tomatoes, anyone? Pr. After the Storm Nouriel Roubini - Has the global economic crisis bottomed out, or will conditions grow worse due to inadequate governmen. Lindsey Williams on Radio Liberty 01-28-11 max keiser bob chapman gerald celente nouriel roubini Jim Rogers Marc Faber economic collapse Peter Schiff Obama g. This Week's top news include - Towergate won a long term contract with - XL Insurance received aproval from Chinese Regulators to operat. Lindsey Williams on End Time Talk Radio speaking with Barry Meyer on 22nd October 2013 talking about signs that will come before the collapse of the American. Next Year YOU Won't Recognize America Those are some strong words from Minister Lindsey Williams, but I believe every word of it. The gangsters (Lindsey's . In the not-too-distant future, it will be blatantly obvious that we will never balance our budget. I'm not talking about paying back our debt; I am talking a. - Pastor Williams provides the latest information regarding QE3, the Federal Reserve

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this old recording, reason being is that it proved to me how much fear Lindsey spews to the audiences on these shows.
    There is absolutely nothing that he said that was of any significant value and couldn't have been determined by someone simply by watching your daily news and reading some articles.
    Now he's been talking about a currency reset in the 1st quarter of 2014 in recent radio shows and it's already mid-March and NOTHING has happened...
