Thursday, March 20, 2014

Kiev today -- Illegal Firearms Market Booming

The pensioners at Kiev will shortly receive half of what they used to receive, thanks to the austerity measures imposed to be admitted to the much sought-after 'the Elite EU Club', backed by the almighty US Empire. 

It makes sense, as these people in Ukraine have been living on outlandish and ridiculously opulent social welfare while the rest of the West suffer, wallowing in abject poverty, infrastructure falling apart, children under educated, homeless without a roof, living off food stamps, surviving from paycheck to paycheck. And, the US government had to scrimp and save to come up with the $5 billion to redeem you - the Ukrainian folks from the yoke of them Commie Ruskies..... Now that the Crimeans have chosen to depart - wish them well under the Ruskies, as Putin has just ordered to increase the pension of Crimeans to the Ruskies' level. It is better to be free from the Commies than an empty stomach!!!!!  
All the King's horses and the King's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again!

Opposition leader Arseny Yatsenyuk, a member of the Batkivshchina (Fatherland) Party, was appointed prime minister.

The coup-imposed Ukrainian regime's line-up was announced from the stage of central Kiev's Independence Square on February 26, 2014 evening as protesters and their leaders gathered for a popular assembly, "veche."

Several ultra-nationalists where given key cabinet posts and many Ukrainian citizens and Euromaidan protesters were not happy with Yatsenyuk or the opposition cabinet saying that they were just as corrupt as the ousted government.

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