Monday, March 24, 2014

Karen Hudes: An Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth is Manipulating Humanity From the Vatican

Bankers, politicians and high ranking religious figures conspiring against us to keep us fighting each other so they can control us.
 This criminal conspiracies on Earth had been with us for thousands of years. If you trace the power structure high enough, eventually you go "out of this world", literally.

There are a group of super-intelligence that govern this entire machination of control for thousand of years. And they're ain't humans.
It's the ill-umiNaughty against Humanity.  For every one of them,  there are millions of Us.  They need Us more than We need them.  It's time for truth to be universally mandated under penalty of law. Matt 13:24 The kingdom of heaven(HUMANITY) is likened unto a man(YHWH) that sowed good seed(ORIGINAL PRE-HUMANS DNA) in his field: 25 but while men(ANGELS OF YHWH WERE AWAY INTO SPACE) slept, his enemy came and sowed (IMPUTING ALIEN DNA INTO PRE-HUMANS DNA CREATING A HYBRID HUMAN-ALIEN) Tares also among the wheat, and went away.


  1. A distinct humanoid species - with large brains and different DNA, now ruling the world .... through the Vatican. Evidence ???????????? A friend sat in a meeting with a person with a large head..... You've got to be kidding. Evidence??????///

  2. Give at leasy evidence light revelator. ..

    there are now many stories and theory about non humans species ruling the world ..

    i know a one saying that we are under Nephilim with their clown the annunakies

    they created us under the work(they forced them) of the divine mothers!!

    Soo who say true,who is lying???
