Thursday, March 27, 2014

Jim Rickards WARNS: The END of This System is NEAR

James G. Rickards is an American lawyer, economist, and investment banker with 35 years of experience working in capital markets on Wall Street. He is a writer and is a regular commentator on finance. Wikipedia

Gatekeeper and establishment insider Jim Rickards is making the rounds promoting his new book 'The Death of Money' and while Rickards is openly admitting that the world's financial system will soon collapse, in a recent interview with Kitco Rickards PROVED that he is a Gatekeeper for the establishment. I ask the Doc from Silver Doctors what he makes of Rickards and what it means when a Gatekeeper tells us that worldwide financial Armageddon is near. We also discuss 'The Big Lie' and Ukrainian gold, the fact that Russia has a nuclear economic weapon, the Federal Reserve owns gold CERTIFICATES, not gold - and the bankruptcy of Tulving. This is a jam PACKED 30-minutes,

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