Friday, March 21, 2014

Jim Rickards & Mike Maloney: Gold Revaluation & THE DEATH OF MONEY

Jim Rickards has been featured in 4 out of the 5 episodes that we have released so far in the 'Hidden Secrets Of Money' series - and for good reason. Jim is one of the most articulate thinkers and teachers in the world when it comes to explaining what is really happening in the world of economics today, especially when it comes to gold and silver. Jim's first book 'Currency Wars' was a bestseller and is highly recommended reading for anyone who wants to get an understanding of economics from 'the inside'. As you'll learn in this video, James G Rickards has a massive amount of experience in both the private and public sectors. Watch the video to learn why he thinks that we shouldn't be surprised that at some point gold is quickly valued at $5000 per ounce..


  1. I like Mike, but boy he talks his book a lot.

    Sure, gold may go to $5,000, but before it gets there it will drop below $1,000. Deflation will precede mass inflation. We got a sample of this in the 2008-9 crisis.

    Talk about the right model, have you heard the recent release from the Bank of England regarding money creation. Nothing like the text book model, or the commonly held model. Steve Keen was right. It is created by banks, not Central Banks.......

  2. The dollar has already lost value against the price of gold. Just look at any chart covering the past 10 years. But this made no difference in the US$ relative value to other currencies. It is the relative value to other currencies that really matters, not its price against gold.

    It is so obvious. the price of gold is being driven by speculators and speculating. Nothing more.

    One day, if people lose trust in paper then things may change. The rest of the argument is just silly.
