Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Jesse Ventura on CIA vs. Senate Scandal

AN APOLOGY? The CIA charter was created under the "strict stipulation" that the CIA would be "prohibited" from and could never be used against American Citizens on American soil. Under both Federal law and CIA charter, the CIA broke the law and she just wants an apology?


Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) is demanding an apology from the CIA for improperly searching a special computer network used by the Senate Intelligence Committee. Staffers were using the network to investigate allegations of CIA abuse in a controversial George W. Bush-era detention and interrogation program. Tuesday's apology demand came one day after National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden blasted the US intelligence community for invasion of privacy at the annual South by Southwest conference in Austin, Texas. RT's Ameera David discusses privacy issues, intelligence gathering and the CIA-Senate battle with former Gov. Jesse Ventura (I-Minn.).

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