Saturday, March 8, 2014

Introspection, Health & Medical Cannabis - Joni Abbott

Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (03-05-2014) Joni Abbott - Introspection, Health & Medical Cannabis

why do people hate this plant so much but tolerate alcohol and tobacco to the extent that they have. it makes me sick when I see how the people of this nation are so afraid of the government that they obey without question. if we would fight like our forefathers did, America would be forced to make a change

On this edition of DTRH Popeye welcomes to the broadcast radio show host, and voice-over artist Joni Abbott. The two of them cover home-birth vs. hospital birth; Crunchy parenting; Tips for people to start healthier living; Fukushima; and more. This is an informative broadcast you don't want to miss.

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