Friday, March 14, 2014

How The U.S. Almost Killed The Internet And Why It Still Could!

The NSA and DHS are criminal organizations that need to be shut down and that money needs to be diverted to the private sector to help create more jobs for citizens

Don't use MS or Apple systems with unprotected web browsers. Use harden Linux systems with locked firewalls and restrictive browsers. Bottom Line - If you put your life on a computer, then you have put your life on the front lawn for all to see. See, you the user, really have no idea what is really going on inside that box. In fact, veteran Windows users know for a fact that Microsoft has hidden and even taken away user control in order to turn your PC into a sales kiosk. The computer industry has a lot to answer for their faux security "measures." Our higher learning institutions also bear much of the blame for this wanton security ignorance by computer "professionals." The internet is the biggest drug of all. Despite glaring flaws, they keep piling on. Anyone who has read "Windswept House" by Malachi Martin knows that he explains the secret Third Miracle of Fatima as this - that the West in the coming decades would create inside its own systems a flaw that, if our enemies realize how to exploit it, would bring us down in an instant. I nominate the West's computer/internet infrastructure as that flaw. It already nurtures an outlaw underworld in plain sight that your teenager could find online inside of 5 minutes. Wake UP, America!

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