Sunday, March 9, 2014

How Governments Deal With Dissent

It is not a democracy it's a republic. Sad how far we've come now that we can't even talk or ask questions . But of course the breathers are concerned with other things.Sadly this is a continuation of the same overall policies that have persisted now for quite some time.

Two dissenters on my list of inspirational people were JFK and Paul Wellstone. How long is the list of disappeared going to grow before people realize they are next. Human resources are expendable. It's like a forest with an infestation. Just burn it down and plant new ones. It only takes 20 years to grow a new crop. These criminals have all the time and money in the world. They have been handing these plans down for generations while we hand down a life of servitude to our kids . I think most people are aware, but are turning a blind eye. They like their comforts and being slaves to the elite. Fear is another factor, but little do they know there are more of us, than them. So I say " Now is the time, stand up and be heard" To all in the military, put your weapons down, to the police force, get with the program, to the religious regime, you are praying to the wrong God.

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