Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Government is The Mafia

Government demands rules & regulations. People then say "no". Then government sends in POLICE with GUNS to arrest whoever is saying "no". That's the mafia. That's government. Plain & simple . I guess the government should learn about earlier civilizations when the governments abused their power too much and screwed it all up....That is how the fall of the Maya happened.

Did you know, the government is trying to make vitamins and herbs prescription only? You know why? 'cause they know they cure illnessess. They want the population to use rx drugs, because they make 200,000% profit off of them. Plus, rx drugs cause bad side effects, in which the Dr will prescribe another drug for, and that new drug will cause more side effects, and so on.... They're in the process of trying to shut down the natural supplement company

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