Monday, March 17, 2014

Globalist Takeover -- The Alex Jones Show(VIDEO Commercial Free) Monday March 17 2014

On this Monday, March 17 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex showcases how the globalists, who sit above nations, are playing countries off against each other in order to seize their infrastructure. The UN is set to take control of the Internet after the U.S. Commerce Department released its grasp on ICANN, the Internet's domain name manager, setting the stage for worldwide web taxes and censorship. The EU in particular has already proposed Internet censorship under the guise of "protecting the children" and "fighting terrorism." Alex also covers the latest developments coming from Crimea as both NATO and Russia position their military assets for a coming showdown which could even result in a tactical nuclear war. Many analysts have stated that this situation is more dangerous than anything that has ever happened during the Cold War. You don't want to miss this important broadcast.

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