Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Gerald Celente & Peter Schiff -- Economic Meltdown 2014 Financial Collapse

But, but, Obama told me the economy was recovering. It has to be true, he read it on his Teleprompter!

And yet We spend trillions on wars that Americans never approved of ONLY to hand those country over to terrorist groups. .., OUR WEALTH has been squandered to "re-build" these countries. How many billions of dollars have been spent to re-build Iraq, yet not a single project has been completed & some never even started. Where did the money go?...
the problem with corporate run government is they don't simply compete, they level the playing field and monopolize. it's not competition if you break the legs of everyone you've ever competed against to make sure they can never challenge you again. true competition is playing a fair game, having respect for your opponent, and welcoming a challenge. these are mobsters, plain and simple ............

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