Sunday, March 16, 2014

Fukushima Is The End Of The World / Global Radiation Meltdown

The events at Fukushima unfolded in a cascade of disasters, each one more frightening than the last. The massive earthquake and tsunami, the nuclear meltdowns, the explosions, the desperate attempts to keep fuel rods from overheating and, finally, the leaks of radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean. Now, nearly three years later, the most pressing worry is the spent nuclear fuel rods, which are still precariously stored in a pool above the damaged and unstable Reactor 4. There are thousands of nuclear fuel rods in Reactor 4, which must be extracted one by one. Last month TEPCO began the delicate, and dangerous, yearlong task of transferring those fuel rods more than 1,300 in all, amounting to some 400 tons of uranium to a safer location. Some experts have pointed out the serious risks of this process. If there was another earthquake, another major earthquake, it could trigger another radioactive disaster.

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