Thursday, March 6, 2014

FINANCIAL COLLAPSE 2014 -- Jim Rickards on dollar debasement & Peter Joseph explains the Zeitgeist Movement

Zeitgeist. Another godless plan to control the masses. TPTB sensed that the sheeple are turned off by -isms so they give it a name called Zeitgeist. How convenient a master spin doctor of the film genre is the founder and chief propagandist. I'd bet Peter Joseph is Jesuit trained through to the core. If this Zeitgeist plan succeeds they're going to make Hitler, Stalin and Mao look like amateurs.

Our lead story: While most of us don't often think about the shipping industry, the fact of the matter is almost everything you get from overseas is deeply affected by the business of shipping. This is why a coalition between the world's three largest shipping companies is worth taking a closer look at.
Switzerland's Mediterranean Shipping Company, France's CMA CGM Group, and Denmark's Maersk Line are all coming together to form an operation called the "P3 Alliance." Erin brings you the details.
For our first segment, Erin sits down with economist and author Jim Rickards to talk about money. Rickards argues that confidence is a crucial characteristic for money, and explains why he thinks that the confidence in the dollar is eroding. He warns that our system is unstable, which could make confidence in the dollar disappear quickly. After the break, Erin brings you Peter Joseph, a filmmaker and founder of the Zeitgeist Movement. Joseph also believes that our current system is unsustainable, and he explains how the Zeitgeist Movement's approach can improve the economy and society.
In our Big Deal today, Edward Harrison and Erin sit down to discuss the "true" identity of Satoshi Nakamoto. It turns out that the real name of Satoshi Nakamoto is...Satoshi Nakamoto. A new story looks into the life of a Japanese-American man in California whose life details seem to match up with the man behind Bitcoin. Edward brings you more.

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