Tuesday, March 25, 2014

FALSE FLAG ALERT? Obama's Nuclear Target Over NYC

Whether it happens in November for Congressional elections or prior to the 2016 Presidential election, there's going to be some type of false flag that will so devastate the US that Martial Law will most certainly be declared. That's it. That's all she wrote. In one fateful moment, Obama will become dictator. Dissenters will be eliminated. Followers will be rewarded and Obama will revel in power, finally revealed at some point in the future as the son of perdition. The Obamanation of Desolation.

Remember the missing nuke going to South Carolina? Maybe this will be used as a false flag op to cause WW3.Israel has a nuke in New York City. This was proven in 2007 during a radiological sweep of New York. The Israeli embassy showed a huge spike that was off the charts. At first I thought they might just have polonium there for executions, but polonium has a short half life and would not produce a continuous radiation spike. I have no doubt the article Nuclear Blackmail is accurate and if anything goes off, well, at least you know what is up with that now abandoned "embassy".


  1. As usual its always a jewish conspiracy . I have noticed over the last few years most of the so called websites exposing the NWO are all saying in small drip feeds thats all the ails in the world is ISRAELS fault . Hitler did the same look how that turned out

    1. In reality people are waking up to the fact that Israel is behind just about everything going on. They run the Fed the biggest rort ever, they have infiltrated Washington and control it.They have used chemical weapons [White phosphorus] against Palestine and no one say's BOO.Let us not mention 9/11, By way of deception thou shalt do war and they are good at it. No conspiracy here mate.
