Thursday, March 20, 2014

Facing Apocalyptic Demise - An American Tragedy

 There are plenty of people TALKING action, but VERY few TAKING action.  That's because any effective action will get you imprisoned or killed.  And groups can't really organize because the media is controlled and communication systems are monitored.  Any groups that starts to look effective will be sabotaged and/or discredited.

"It should be the highest ambition of every American to extend his views beyond himself, and to bear in mind that his conduct will not only affect himself, his country, and his immediate posterity; but that its influence may be co-extensive with the world, and stamp political happiness or misery on ages yet unborn" ~ George Washington


  1. All you 'Americans' seem to think that your nation is, and always has been, some sort of bastion of high moral virtues. This is the myth that is now being exposed as idiotic. Its time that you all grew up and recognised that your country is not some sort of virtuous example for the rest of us, but just another version of what the rest of humanity has lived under. The rule of the powerful over those who have no power. Stop pretending to be the Kingdom of God on the Earth. All previous pretenders turned out to be brutalisers too.

  2. Buy gold dump the dollar, new economical platform "market exchange" opens in china, to rival wall street, dealing in asian currencies ONLY, exchange are done without the dollar. $, no need of $ as reserve currency to buy gold, anything at all "no need for "petrodollars" asian markets split from wall street, city of london scheme. new Market is call the great wall....(THE GREAT WALL)° to replace wall street for asian markets and Russia, it will include INDIA? IRAN, all pacific and asian nations, and south america & AFRICA, end of petrodollars and wall street G7. the economical world splits in two, asian russian side, washington european side.
    DUMP THE £,$, NOW...let the market be..
