Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dan McCall -- The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free AUDIO) Tuesday March 4 2014

On today's unprecedented Tuesday, March 4 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex reveals the latest political confrontations about to explode that will decisively shape the future of America. In Connecticut, gun owners are challenging their state government to either "enforce the tyranny" of its gun confiscation law or to repeal it entirely, setting the stage for a future showdown. In other news, Russia is threatening to dump the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency in response to Washington's threat of sanctions, a move that would expose America's house of cards economy. Freedom activist Dan McCall joins the show to discuss his recent legal victory over the NSA. Last year, the agency attempted to censor McCall by claiming copyright infringement over a parody NSA t-shirt he designed to criticize the agency's tyranny. You don't want to miss today's powerful broadcast!

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