Tuesday, March 18, 2014

CONFIRMED: NSA Records ALL Phone Calls Using Project MYSTIC

We can record 100% of a foreign nations phone calls, but we can't locate a missing jumbo jet? Anyone else see something fishy here? Missing jet= distraction from Crimea cluster fock!

All this is MASSIVELY UNCONSTITUTIONAL. It's illegal, immoral, and 100% UN-American & UN-PATRIOTIC.

We've been told all this is necessary to prevent terrorism. If even this was legal, I can think of NO TERRORIST that has ever been caught by the NSA or STOPPED by the NSA.

So why do we have it?

There are only 2 reasons that I can think of:

1. To spy on the people. And this means ALL the people. You are considered suspicious until proven guilty.

2. To black mail political, military and business leaders. Ever wonder why Congress doesn't do anything? Chances are they're being blackmailed.

Look what happened to General Patraeus. Just when he was about to spill his guts, they took him down. HOW do you think they got the goods on him?

NSA Spying.

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