Saturday, March 15, 2014

CIA Agent Bob Baer Says Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 COULD Have Made It To Kyrgyzstan Or Tajikistan

CIA Agent Bob Baer Says Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 COULD Have Made It To Kyrgyzstan Or Tajikistan

A Malaysian official said investigators concluded the missing Malaysia Airlines flight was hijacked and steered off its original course, the AP reported late Friday evening.

The official, who is involved in the investigation, says no motive has been established, and it is not yet clear where the plane was taken. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief the media.

The official said that hijacking was no longer a theory. "It is conclusive."

While many have speculated as to what happened to the Beijing-bound Flight 370, this new report is the first to assert a hijacking as the cause. Within the last 24 hours, investigators had increasingly moved their focus toward the possibility of sabotage, either from a hijacker or rogue crew.

A number of startling revelations emerged earlier today, such as a senior U.S. official telling The New York Times the aircraft made a number of erratic direction and altitude changes before it likely crashed in the Indian Ocean. But the deliberate shutdown of systems to track the airliner seemed to move forward the strong possibility the plane's disappearance was a "deliberate act" rather than an accident or pilot error.

On Thursday, sources speaking with ABC said they believed the data reporting system was shut down at 1:07 a.m., while the transponder — sending out location and altitude data — was shut down at 1:21 a.m. The 14-minute delay indicates the systems were purposely shut down rather than the result of a malfunction or failure in some sort of catastrophic accident.

As a number of commercial pilots told NPR's "All Things Considered" on Friday, with the exception of the transponder, which can be shut off at the flick of a switch, other onboard tracking systems are not as easy to disable.

"They said you'd have to go through big checklists, you'd have to possibly pull circuit breakers if you wanted to deactivate [all the communications equipment],

Despite attempts to disable in-flight tracking systems, a combination of satellite tracking and military radar continued to track the plane after it's last civilian radar contact about 45 minutes after takeoff.

After falling off of civilian radar, radar signals from the Malaysian military appear to show the Boeing 777 climbing above the plane's maximum ceiling to 45,000 feet before it made a sharp turn toward the west. The data then shows another turn to the southwest and descent to 23,000 feet before it finally settled on a higher altitude and bearing toward the Indian Ocean.

"[Radar data] leads them to believe that it either ran out of fuel or crashed right before it ran out of fuel," a senior U.S. official told the Times. "The idea it could cross into Indian airspace and not get picked up made no sense."

Investigators, who widened their search area on Thursday to the Indian Ocean based on faint electronic "pings" of technical data from the flight, have now expanded into the Andaman Sea northwest of the Malay Peninsula, based on another "ping" picked up five or six times by a satellite before it was completely lost, Reuters reports.  The 'unprecedented mystery' behind the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines flight MH 370 deepened on Monday when relatives claimed they were able to call the cellphones of their missing loved ones.

According to the Washington Post, family of some of the 239 people on board the vanished Boeing 777 said that they were getting ring tones and could see them active online through a Chinese social networking service called QQ.

One man said that the QQ account of his brother-in-law showed him as online, but frustratingly for those waiting desperately for any news, messages sent have gone unanswered and the calls have not been picked up. This new eerie development comes as the Malaysian authorities said they had identified one of the men on two stolen European passports who were on the flight -- and that he was not considered likely to be a terrorist

1 comment:

  1. Come on Baer we know it's landed in Diego Garcia US airbase and is being prepared in one of the hangers for a false flag attack by the CIA!
