As more and more proof of US Government corruption and collusion
emerges in their fight to take over Ukraine with the EU, another leaked series of emails show
that they are now planning, and implementing false flag attacks to get
their way in Ukraine and Crimea, in a desperate attempt to usurp Putin
and Russia gaining any access in the race to reap the rewards in the
collapsing region, a collapse seemingly orchestrated from the outset by
the unscrupulous US government, the EU and the West. The rewards are
great for the winner of the race to enslave Ukraine, ranging from
complete control of the huge breadbasket, a whole society handcuffed
with IMF loans, to the Chevron fracking contracts already agreed, and it seems the US and EU will stop at nothing to secure the region.
It seems there is a spotlight of truth shining brightly in the faces
of John Kerry, Obama and their cohorts in Washington and the EU, as time
after time their lies and terrible corrBy Jason Liosatos.uption seem to
rise to the surface for everyone to see. The most recent being the leaked phone conversation between Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and Catherine Ashton about the snipers killing both sides.
It is incredible that we are witnessing a time i n historywhere the
very technology that is being used to spy on people is now backfiring
and also becoming a tool for the people to find out that the governments
they trusted for so long are actually not trustworthy at all, but the
opposite, as governments globally are become further corrupted,
ethically compromized and ruthless when it comes to gaining money, power
and strategic positionings on the geopolitical chess board. – By Jason Liosatos.
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