Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Brave New World (of Debt) | Life of Debt

17 trillion is usually a number reserved for distances in outer space, water in the ocean, or sand in the desert. But it's also how much this next generation is in the hole for as they become adults. Thanks to our parents and the officials they've elected, America is $17,000,000,000,000 in debt. Despite the way the federal government has dealt with this issue, debt is not theoretical. It's real, it's owed, and can take on a life of its own. Watch debt (and its sidekick debt collectors) interrupt birth, love, sleep, and more. This is "Life of Debt."

1 comment:

  1. yes, it is debt because we are forced to BORROW our own currency at interest from a private banking cartel - the "Fed". Get rid of the fed and debt money and we can finance, democratically, what we feel is necessary, and vote every two years against those who abuse the privilege - something we cannot do with a private central bank lending its own shareholders trillions of "our" money.
    Kent Welton,
