Saturday, March 8, 2014

ALERT -- War Secretly Declared On China By Executive Order

Despite criticism about Obama going on vacation in the midst of the Ukraine crisis, the American people should know that Barack Obama signed a bombshell Executive Order and then ran for the hills. The below executive order is highlighted with the most important information we "meat & potatoes", uneducated folks should pay attention to.

It's pretty easy to decipher if one has a basic understanding of the law & legalese --- or shall we call it; speaking out of 5 sides of your mouth to slam your opponent. Essentially, the attorneys who wrote this did so for the people who said to themselves,

"......How can we totally screw China for getting behind the Russians in the Ukraine crisis? I KNOW! Let's screw them on the 100's of billions in mortgage-backed securities!...."

In essence, Obama has declared economic war with China; a country who owns trillions in U.S. debt, and 100's of millions in mortgage backed securities. All without the authority or even consultation of the U.S. Congress.

While the so-called neo-conservatives gush & gobble over Rand Paul, Chris Christie and Rick Perry at CPAC, Congress is drunk with power and asleep at the wheel. Obama can do whatever he wishes --- he doesn't even need to worry about the democrats running the House of Representatives, the Republicans could not be any more helpful by their inaction and in most cases assistance in installing communism with him.


  1. Economic war with Chine! This is not war at all it is the US committing economic suicide to blame all the mess on Russia and China who by the way have been joined by India! more than half the worlds population and industrial output ranged against the economic desert that is the US economy!

  2. dump the dollar qatar ready to stop gas imports to europe, saudi kingdom mayhem end of europe as we know it thanks to AIPAC and the french warmongers. china act now trow those dollars on the bin before the AIPAC world kills you eats you and sends BHL to destroy the nation. be wise save yourself dump the us $ toilet paper. only way to equilibrium end of $ as world currency "and yes we can end the dollar as world currency of wars and disasters.

  3. China wants to have or be the country with the reserve currency. Theirs lots of resentment around the world concerning the QE's of the federal reserve money cannot be printed foreever without destroying a countries currency.
