Friday, March 14, 2014

ALERT NEWS Wrap-Up : Coming U.S. Russian Sanctions, Hamas/Israel Cease-Fire Broken,CIA Senate Spying

80K Russians massed in and around the Ukraine.  This is a MAJOR mess that could lead to war real easily.. I don't want a amateur in the oval office. Putin isn't going to blink. 
America is already a joke to the rest of he world. Obama isn't helping though

President Obama is threatening Russian President Putin with international sanctions if he does not back off in Ukraine. Russia is countering threats of sanctions with threats of sanctions of their own. Russia may also demand payment for its oil and natural gas in gold. Dr. Jim Willie brought up this possibility this week on It is heating back up again between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. Hamas fired dozens of rockets into Israel, and Israel responded with air strikes against what it calls "terror" positions. Dianne Feinstein, who is in charge of the Senate Intelligence Committee, is upset the CIA spied on her committee. I say, now she knows how we feel! She says the CIA illegally went into Senate computers to remove documents about torture allegations in the post 9/11 world. Finally, the GOP won a Congressional seat in Florida this week in a special election. Let me tell you why this is an ominous sign for Democrats. I have been telling you the Democrats are going to get blistered this fall. Join Greg Hunter of as he analyzes these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.

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