Sunday, March 9, 2014

ALERT -- Defense Secretary admits Obama lost Crimea

Robert Gates appeared on fox news Sunday with Chris Wallace and readily admits that President Obama's international policy blunders has cost him Crimea.

putin also said " do you know what happened when they seized the Party of Regions building? There were no party members there at all at the time. Some two-three employees came out, one was an engineer, and he said to the attackers: “Could you let us go, and let the women out, please. I’m an engineer, I have nothing to do with politics.” He was shot right there in front of the crowd. Another employee was led to a cellar and then they threw Molotov cocktails at him and burned him alive. Is this also a manifestation of democracy? When we see this we understand what worries the citizens of Ukraine, both Russian and Ukrainian, and the Russian-speaking population in the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine. It is this uncontrolled crime that worries them. Therefore, if we see such uncontrolled crime spreading to the eastern regions of the country, and if the people ask us for help, while we already have the official request from the legitimate President, we retain the right to use all available means to protect those people. We believe this would be absolutely legitimate. This is our last resort. Moreover, here is what I would like to say: we have always considered Ukraine not only a neighbour, but also a brotherly neighbouring republic, and will continue to do so. Our Armed Forces are comrades in arms, friends, many of whom know each other personally. I am certain, and I stress, I am certain that the Ukrainian military and the Russian military will not be facing each other, they will be on the same side in a fight. Incidentally, the things I am talking about – this unity – is what is happening in Crimea. You should note that, thank God, not a single gunshot has been fired there; there are no casualties, except for that crush on the square about a week ago. What was going on there? People came, surrounded units of the armed forces and talked to them, convincing them to follow the demands and the will of the people living in that area. There was not a single armed conflict, not a single gunshot.


  1. You Casey are a lump of animated dog Sh*t Ukraine was never the stupid Kenyan White house Nigga's to loose in the first place. The time will come when the world will be fully awake to your brutal war machine and I am sure will begin slaughtering dumb yanks on an industrial scale not seen since the second world war and Stalin's purges! revenge will be all the sweeter!

  2. OBAMA RACIAL WAR: WAR against Africa and the CAUCASUS .
    RUSSIA: Open a second front, cut oil supplies and gas supplies to germany, 100%, this will create prices to go up for MERKEL, propaganda on bavaria and how this part of germany is a mess and is better for the bavarians to split from Berlin, encourage, brittany, and scotland to gain independence as petrol goes up scotland will make bundles and the UK will probably collapse, SCOTLAND the real CRIMEA. dump the us dollar and do not pay anything at all in fact create an alternative economy with the nations of the BRICS, and exit world trade organisation world bank, IMF, forget davos, oil and gas are the keys to success, banks are out. the chinese and indians must do the same, all third world nations must drop the us dollar only washington and MERKEL holds this US toilet trash call the us dollar, remember this is an economical war, europe cannot win, because they got no petrol and no gas. second front bahrain and the SAUDI kingdom, (this are corrupt nations impose by washington to enslave europeans and westerners, for the benefit of bankers and wall street.. disruption of petrol on the saudi kingdom. proxy wars. payments only on gold. remember the aim is the end of the petrodollar and the dollar as world exchange currency. there are 75 nuclear plants in FRANCE they blow up is the end of europe. so war is impossible, unless. this is as you can see a war against the white race as it is against the black race. the mix races of europe and america ( their leaders and probably "AIPAC" you call it the west) do not like natural races they want a mixture of all, so semites will become the norm as color of skin; so this is why OBAMA hates whites from russia and the CAUCASUS, as well africans. he dislike what is somewhat pure to your concepts and mind. look africans and caucasians are the target of OBAMA. so wake up world, dump the $$$$$ NOW to save the planet.
