Sunday, March 16, 2014

ALERT -- China and Russia Threaten to Destroy the Dollar

Russia Threatens to Drop The Dollar and Crash The U.S. Economy if Sanctions Are Imposed - Obama Signs Sanctions Anyway

Thanks to StormCloudsGathering fo compiling the data that was used in this video. Visit his channel and consider subscribing!

Is Russia bluffing, or is the world as we know it about to change for ever?

On Tuesday Reuters reported that a Kremlin aid Sergei Glazyev had announced that if the U.S. were to impose sanctions on Russia Moscow may drop the dollar as a reserve currency and refuse to pay off any loans to U.S. banks saying that Moscow could recommend that all holders of U.S. treasuries sell them if Washington freezes the U.S. accounts of Russian businesses and individuals.

"We would find a way not just to reduce our dependency on the United States to zero but to emerge from those sanctions with great benefits for ourselves," said Glazyev.
"An attempt to announce sanctions would end in a crash for the financial system of the United States, which would cause the end of the domination of the United States in the global financial system"

That statement is startling by itself, but the true gravity of this situation is only evident when you consider it in context. China has taken Russia's side in the Ukraine conflict (they are after all allies) and China holds the lion's share of U.S. treasuries. If Russia puts out the call to drop the dollar China would have a choice: either hold on to those treasuries while the dollar slides (losing their shirt in the process) or join Russia and dump their holdings as well. It should be pretty obvious which way China would go.

Related: The Extreme Right Emerging as the Dominant Voice in Ukraine

The effects of a coordinated bond sell off by China and Russia would be earth shattering. This would be the financial equivalent of a nuclear bomb being dropped. It is no exaggeration to say that such a move would mark the end of an era.

You would think that this would prompt some serious reflection and that diplomats would be scrambling to resolve this peacefully, but instead today Obama signed a sanction order anyway and revoked the visas of a number of Russian officials. All of this supposedly in response to the violence in Kiev even though we now have leaked phone conversations that indicate that it was in fact the new coalition government in Ukraine that was responsible for the shootings and that the West knows this. Combine this with the fact that several U.S. officials met directly with known Neo-Nazi leaders prior to the coup in Ukraine and these sanctions are even more non-nonsensical.


  1. says it all


  3. events have multiple causes, however the events in crimea have a similar speed as a diverse speed, reality is not the one on the other side of the computer but where the computer is located, like the missing plane. reality is multiple, one event triggers another and them they relate to each others. in fact there could be a nuclear war; washington I believe will have to retreat, and dissolve NATO; and follow the sensible way of disarmament. the purpose of arms is to disarm: you get the weapon so you understand it and them give away. so nukes itself are useless. however they exist as long as there is a unbalance. ZERO day...! never waste a good crisis!

  4. It is not nonsensical, it is a deliberate attempt by the cabal to start ww3.
    They are determined to stop the release of the collateral accounts which would destroy the control the cabal have wielded for centuries.
    Fiat currency and private banks have stolen the wealth of 6 billion people and they will be scurrying down their ratholes shortly in preparation for the conflagration unless we wake up.
